I personally believe that games online are not important. In my opinion, online games are not good for addicted users. They can cause madness because the desire to win is high if or when you lose, which makes our expectations wrong and makes us stressed.
The impact on someone who is addicted to videos or internet-based games (online games) is very large. A person who experiences addiction, apart from experiencing physical complaints, also experiences changes in the structure and function of the brain.
As one of the mental health practitioners said, the structure and function of the brain have changed, so if we look at the brain using MRI, there are changes in the prefrontal cortex. Disorders in this part of the brain result in people experiencing dependence or addiction and losing several brain abilities or functions, including attention function (focusing unintentionally on something), for example, function (planning and carrying out actions), and inhibiton function (ability to limit).
The changes in his brain made it difficult for them to control their impulsive behavior. Patients often tell us that they are bored of playing games but cannot stop.
So, from the reasons I gave, I strongly believe that games online are not important because they destroy our brains, slowly but surely.
(Abyan Daffa Al Ghifari – XI 4)
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